Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Logan update

So my little guy is changing way too much way too fast... He turned 5 months on Sunday.

He can roll over like a little pro and he's only been only doing it for about 2 weeks now.

Logan is now also a pro at eating Solids. Last Saturday (1/12/08) he tried cereal and that did not sit well with his tummy. So we decided to give Veggies a try. We started with Green Beans and he loved them and did awesome with them. By his 4th spponful he was taking the spoon in and swallowing it no problem. He totally skipped the couple of weeks of regurgitating the food. He went on to Squash 5 days later and now we are on Sweet potatoes.

Oh yeah and the last thing is how big that "little" guy is. He weighed in at 18 lbs 13 ozs on the Thursday before we started solids (1/10/08). He also 2 weeks prior to that was in the 99% for height.

Where has the time gone???

Thursday, January 10, 2008

One could only hope...

Well I really hoped that today when I went and checked on the freezer it would be working again. No such luck... it was about the same temp as the outdoors right now.

So that led to me to check out whether or not we had bought an extended service plan. Again nope... this is the reason that I feel they are so important. Right about the time that we bought this freezer we also bought a dishwasher. Joel was not to happy about buying service plans at that time because we had bought them on our exisiting appliances and never used them.

We lets go back to May of 2007 when our dishwasher of only 2 years died for the second time. The first time was when we had the house on the market and we had done a homeowners insurance thing that luckily covered it. However if we had bought a plan then we would not have had to buy a new dishwasher. The new one has a extended 5 yr plan on it ;)

Now here we are again same kind of problem... no plan and looks like we are out a freezer. I think we have learned our lesson!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Ticked off

So last night before I went to MOPs I got into the deep freezer in the garage to get out a meal for a member of our small group that had been in the ER becuase of hurting her back on Sunday. So I got in the freezer and notice that some of the stuff had this weird frost just starting to form on it and a few things were melted (Ice cream and juice cans). I prayed that it was just left open somehow when Joel had gotten in there earlier in the day for me.

When I came home last night from MOPs at 10:30pm and went and checked on it. It was even worse... Alot of the smaller items had already begun to defrost. So we had to make room in the two freezer inside. We have our old fridge in the basement to store pop and right now my Lean Cuisine meals. So we were able to get the bags of Chicken breasts and all of the bags of veggies saved.However I have some Main Dish Kitchen stuff that is was starting to defrost... looks like we have the next 4 days of meals planned out...

Some of you may recall that this is not the first time this stinking freezer did this. That time I lost over a 1000ozs of breast milk. I am so irratated that this stupid freezer has been just fince since that incident back in Nov of 05. We only bought the darn thing back in August of 04 too...

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Weight Loss accoutability

Well they say accountability is the key to weight loss and since we are in a new year it's time for me to shed these baby pounds once and for all!!!! Normally I'd do a 1 year weight review However I'm going to do a 2 year in review since I was preggo for 9 months of the last year.

Jan 2006: 166
May 2006: 175
August 2006: 148
Oct 2006: 150 (My maintain weight before we started to TTC)
Dec 2006: 157 (Got pregnant then)
Aug 20th 2007: 185 (My pregnancy high)
Sept 1st 2007: 164
Sept 20th 2007: 157
Oct 31st 2007: 158
Dec 1st 2007: 160
Dec 26th 2007: 164
Now: 162

Goals:April 1st (Allie's b-day) 152ish
June 29th (Maddie's b-day) 147ish
Aug 20th (Logan's b-day) 142ish
Final Goal 135-140 area!!!!